I am now an artist in residence at Jentel Arts near Banner, Wyoming—Yeehaw! It’s been interesting settling into this new place–my new temporary studio space, conducting creative research on location in Wyoming and getting a start to some new work. Artist residencies are unique in that one can truly accomplish a good amount of work and visual research in a concentrated and focused amount of time without the distractions of the “real world”. They are an amazing gift to an artist, and most definitely to me–particularly coming off of this long pandemic. We all need time away, I’d say! Check out my vlog as I explore the environs of the cattle ranch and hillside. I love responding to the specifics of site with my work. This is my first week of taking it all in and starting some creative production.
I’m loving becoming something of a cowgirl in this place! Each residency that I have participated in provides such unique settings and experiences that I truly cherish. There are five of us residents here at Jentel just now–four visual artists and one writer. They are all fantastic people and I am amazed how easily we have come together to live on site and talk with one another about our lives and creative work. I have already made some fabulous friends!