See what it’s like to go on an artist’s residency! It takes a bit of organizing to prepare for all that one needs to bring with you in order to produce creative work while on site at an artist’s residency. This time I am staying in the United States and will drive myself and my supplies 6 hours north to Jentel Arts in Wyoming. The Jentel Artist Residency Program offers dedicated individuals a supportive environment in which to further their creative development. Artists and writers experience unfettered time to allow for thoughtful reflection and meditation on the creative process in a setting that preserves the agricultural and historical integrity of the land. Check out my vlog to see how the packing is going…
I was in a bit of a rush to get out of town when I produced this one, so it’s a little rough at the edges, but so exciting to get out of town and have a change of scenery in order to reinspire myself with the production of new studio work. Hooray! Let’s hope I didn’t forget anything! It was quite a struggle to get a large surface prepped in time and load it all up. However, I am excited for this new adventure.